Sustainable Ranching – Grazing vs Non-Grazing

Prescribed grazing is one of the most important tools in our ongoing conservation and sustainability work here at the ranch. […]

Erosion Control Structure Workshop

This will be our 3rd erosion workshop. Price is right- free. Camping is free, food is free, training is free. We even provide the tools. You can’t beat this deal. We had a great time at the last 2 workshops- made lots of good friends. Plus we built over 50 erosion control structures! […]

Antelope in the Fall

The antelope are bunching up like they do every fall. We have small groups that live close to our cabin. They range from a solitary buck to a herd with 5 does and a buck. […]

Welcome to the Ranch

We not only run Texas Longhorns on 47,000 acres of remote SE Arizona mountains and grasslands, we also run a small-scale tourist business and dude ranch. […]

Graham County Historical Society Annual Field Trip

When this ranch ran 30,000 head of cattle, it employed about 25 cowboys year round. The cowboys, cooks, farmers, salt haulers, freighters, and their families made Eagle Creek a thriving community. […]

What is a Wall Tent?

Wall tents are large, canvas tents 14 by 16 feet. They are up on a raised deck that has a porch and private bath, hot and cold shower, and composting toilet. […]

Water on the Ranch

Losing all the natural water in canyon pools and dirt tanks makes us dependent on our solar water pumping stations and about 30 miles of pipeline with water troughs. It makes herding our Texas Longhorns more critical. […]

Tom Whetten

Tom will be teaching a wildlife photography workshop here next spring – haven’t set the dates yet – and it will be great! We have the Texas Longhorns, wildlife, horses, and scenery to use as subjects. […]

Protecting Wildlife on the Ranch

This ranch has several Threatened and Endangered Species and listed Species of Concern. We do all we can to promote healthy wildlife populations. It must be working too. […]

Cochise the Texas Longhorn Calf

Here is the newest member of our Texas Longhorn herd. This is Cochise. He came from some of our old breeding stock that we sold to friends of ours. […]