Writing Grant Applications

Unfortunately, a regular person is hard pressed to decipher a grant application and turn it into regular English. I will read directions several times and come up with different ideas on what they really are asking. […]

A Dry Monsoon

This is the driest monsoon we have had in 116 years according to the news. The old-timers claim that this winter will be extra wet after the dry summer and fall. […]


It’s Thanksgiving! And a beautiful day to boot. I have so much to be thankful for. […]

Mule Deer on the Ranch

Unit 27 – where we are – had 312 mule deer harvested last year according to Arizona Game and Fish. This year there was something like 900 mule deer tags for Unit 27 —- that’s a lot of bucks! […]

Mountain Lions and other Predators

Most people never get a chance to see a free roaming lion in their lifetimes. Doug and I have seen at least 20 in the past 5 years. […]

Cleaning Up after Hunting Season

I hate to have to say that I spend a lot of time cleaning up after hunting season – but I do. Every road is peppered with cans, paper, plastic water bottles, beer bottles and plastic bags. […]

November Erosion Control Workshop a Success!

THANKS to the AWPF Commission, Greenlee County, and all the volunteers who made this erosion control workshop a big success. […]

Ranch Cowboys, Characters, and Celebrities

The history of Double Circle Ranch is full of characters and famous people. What an interesting history there is in this little corner of Arizona! […]

Hunting Mule Deer

I guess AZ Game and Fish must believe we do a great job of creating and maintaining habitat for wildlife as part of our conservation practices – 900 tags! […]

Prescribed Burns – Maintaining Rangeland Health

We have had controlled burns on over 10,000 acres of this ranch in the last 3 years. It has made a huge difference. I understand prescribed burns are an essential part of maintaining rangeland health. But this smoke! […]