A New Camera for Doug

Doug has been looking at new cameras for over 3 YEARS. Thank goodness he finally bit the bullet and ordered one. […]

Date Set for Bob Luce’s Intro to Birding Class

I am excited! We have picked the dates for Bob Luce’s birding trip here on the ranch. It will be April 29 to May 3rd. […]

Watching Wildlife on the Ranch

We have the most incredible wildlife that goes through our yard! Lion, bear, and wolves travel the riparian corridor in our front yard. […]

Powering the Ranch

When we came to this ranch 5.5 years ago, we had no electricity. Of course, being 30+ miles to the closest electric pole had something to do with that. […]

Wanted: A Real Cowboy

We have lost our cowboy. It takes a special person to live out here on this remote a ranch. […]

Nate Taylor – Plein Aire Painter

We had Nate Taylor here at our cabin this week. Nate is a painter with training in Florence, Italy. He works in many media and does pleine aire painting. […]

Quivira Coalition Conference

We have been to Albuquerque for the Quivira Coalition conference. There are always so many intelligent, innovative people in attendance that we feel uplifted and invigorated when we leave. […]

Wilderness Survival Skills Class

Vincent Pinto from Ravens Way nature school will be here teaching wilderness survival, edible and medicinal plants, navigating by stars, etc. […]

Oil Burning Stoves

Sure are a lot of challenges when you set out to be a sustainable, alternative energy facility. We bought two used oil burning stoves – one for each house. […]

Are We a Dude Ranch?

We are a non-dude ranch, environmental, educational, working cattle, custom ranch vacation dude ranch. Sort of… […]