Coatimundis and Mountain Lions

Coatimundi, or cotamundi, while hunting – throws our hunting friend’s dogs off mountain lion scent. […]

New Cowboy on the Ranch

Roland , our new cowboy, doesn’t have the luck of the Irish. He sure hired on when things were tough at the Double Circle. […]

Ma and Pa Kettle on the Ranch

I feel like Pa Kettle. When it is raining, you can’t fix the roof. When it is sunny, you don’t need to fix the roof. […]

Storm Warnings and High Water

High water in the creek crossings is our biggest travel problem when big storms and runoff hit the ranch. We tend to get stuck on whatever side of the creek we are on when the water comes up. Right now Eagle Creek is impassable. […]

Cattle Country?

Main Pasture was the first part of the ranch we could see. I thought at the time that it must be impossible to turn out cattle and actually gather them back out in that country. It is one steep mountain after the other. […]

Pullin’ Pipe

It will be a relief to have a new water system in. Right now we have 26 pastures (as best as I can figure) with NO natural water. […]

Herding Dust Devils

Belle the Cowdog Worried

Belle Starr the cowdog met her match the other day before the last snow. It had gotten dusty again and the Arizona wind was really whipping up. A big dust devil started by the porch and up our driveway. Belle apparently thinks her job description includes running intruders away. She […]

Ranch-Raised Kids Know How To Work

Thank goodness for ranch-raised kids who know how to work, can take care of themselves, and have the gumption to cowboy on big, wild ranches. […]

What Did You Do January 1?

They say that what you are doing on January 1st is what you will be doing all year. Well, Roland and I moved cattle – that is definitely an all-year job. Doug worked on a truck most of the day. […]