Spring Snow!

I just looked out the window today – April 30. The grass needs mowed and the wildflowers are blooming – and it’s SNOWING! […]

Another Successful Erosion Control Workshop

We had a great erosion control workshop last weekend. We built Zuni bowls, one-rock dams, rock-mulch rundowns, media lunas, and post and vane structures. […]

Wilson Family and the Ranch’s History

We had the most wonderful visit 2 weeks ago with members of the Wilson family. Their relatives were members of the Double Circle Cattle Company, which purchased this ranch in the late 1920’s. […]

Wilderness Survival Class

If you ever wanted to learn how to survive in the wilderness, now is your chance. It will be a fun class but it could also save your life – and your family’s or friends’ lives. […]

Western Art Painting Classes

Jerry Deverse Western Art – Takin’ It Easy

All you artists need to take advantage of Jerry DeVerse’s Western Art Painting class here August 12th thru the 15th. Jerry is an excellent art teacher with 25 years of experience teaching high school art classes plus private classes and workshops. Since he teaches all skill […]