Antelope Reintroduction Program

The antelope reintroduction program in Apache-Sitgreaves forest is a success. More antelope were located here after populations were low and have done well. […]

Wolves on the Ranch?

Twice this week I have seen glimpses of a canine. I am still not sure if there are two wolves of different ages/sizes or just odd-acting coyotes. […]

Monsoon Season is Back!

Summer Monsoons

Well, monsoon season is back again at Double Circle Ranch. The east part of the ranch seems to have had some rain, but the rest of the ranch is still too dry. We have had lots of wind, lightening, and thunder, but the rain seems to be falling just west of the […]


Doug’s youngest nephew Derrick is here visiting and working. What he lacks in experience he sure makes up for in attitude. […]