Western Art Painting Class by Jerry Deverse

Jerry Deverse Painting Western Art

We have set our 2011 dates for our Summer Western Art Painting Class with Jerry Deverse. It will be August 18-21. This is a wonderful chance to draw or paint the Great American West complete with cowboys, Indians, and Texas Longhorns. Double Circle Ranch is still pretty much like […]

2011 Ranch Photography Workshop with Tom Whetten

Participant in the Ranch Photography Workshop

Tom Whetten has set the 2011 dates for his ranch photography workshop here at the historic Double Circle Ranch. Dates are May 12-15 next spring. This is an opportunity to hone your photography skills with a world class photographer – and a great person to boot. Tom leads […]

A Cattle Herding Vacation for Cowboy Karl

Karl on his Cattle Herding Vacation

We had a wonderful guest here at the Double Circle Ranch last week. Karl Lentini from Los Angeles came to the Double Circle for a cattle herding vacation. He spent a week riding and herding Texas Longhorns. He chose this ranch because he didn’t want to go […]

Holder Family Reunion

Holder Family Reunion Group

The Holder family reunion was held in August at the Double Circle Ranch with 20 immediate family members attending. Family came from as far away as New Jersey and as close as Safford, AZ. The younger family members spent the night in the tents while some of the adults stayed […]

The Hills are Covered in Sunflowers!

Double Circle Ranch is pure gold this year. We have fields of sunflowers stretching as far as you can see. Golden eye fills in the ground around the tall sunflowers with more shining gold flowers. It is a sight to see. We always have some golden eye and sunflowers, but they seem to run in […]

Forrest – Our Hard Working Ranch Guest

Working Ranch Guest Forrest and Tractor

Our friend Forrest is back at the Double Circle Ranch as a working guest. He is the most helpful thing since pockets came into style – always handy. Not only does he ride and herd cattle, gather any stragglers, and feed horses, he runs a tractor and backhoe, […]