Erosion Control Workshop Update

Erosion Contol Workshop Outdoor Classroom

Hey – we have a few openings still for the October 14, 15, 16 Erosion Control Workshop.

It is a great deal – free instruction by Craig Sponholtz of Dryland Solutions, Inc., free camping and free food. We have a good time and get a lot of useful […]

Karl’s Return Visit

Cowboy Karl Gatherin the Longhorns

Our friend Karl was back to the Double Circle Ranch last week. He drove in from Los Angeles. Karl wanted to get the feel and spirit of ranch life. So we put him right to work. Karl and I rode picking up remnant cattle and herding cattle on the […]

The Bat Ranch

Resident Bat on Ceiling

We had another visit with Dan Taylor from Bat Conservation International. Hopefully the Double Circle Ranch will be doing a “Water for Wildlife” (including bats) project. Basically, we would be cleaning out and fencing a dirt tank. The fence keeps livestock out of the water so it stays clean for […]

Double Circle Airport? Welcomes Pilot Mickey Harrison

Mickey Harrison and His Experimental Airplane

I was standing at the kitchen window this morning and heard what sounded like a go cart heading my direction. I was trying to figure out what I was hearing when a small plane flew right at the cabin. It circled us about 3 times and flew towards […]

Cowgirl Stacey from St. Louis

Cowgirl Stacey Herding Longhorns Under Monsoon Clouds

Stacey was here visiting – all the way from St. Louis. She had never been on a ranch – I think she had a little culture shock. Fortunately, Stacey is a good rider and she wanted to ride a lot and herd cattle. Since I was in […]