Wild Turkeys

It must be a good year for turkeys. It seems everywhere I ride and even in my yard there are the familiar sounds of gobbling toms. […]

Spring Snow Showers

Hummingbirds Feast at Feeder in Snowstorm

It is April 14th – Spring by the calendar. But these hummingbirds at the cabin must be wondering whether winter returned. We woke up to snow showers and it has been snowing all day. The ground is still warm enough to melt the snow – but it sure […]

New Openings for Erosion Control Workshop

A Pool on Eagle Creek

We had a few cancellations for our April 20, 21, and 22 erosion control workshop. So email and sign on up. You won’t find a better deal anywhere. You get free instruction from Craig Sponholtz of Dryland Solutions, Inc. This is hands-on training designed to teach you skills you […]

Our Cowboy Bill is Leaving…

Bill and Amy Emrick and their Kids

Well, we are losing our cowboy. Bill got a really good job offer managing a feedlot in Texas. It was one of those deals you can’t turn down. Plus the kids can go to school. Here on Eagle Creek, homeschooling is the only option. I think the […]

Thank Goodness for Friends!

Our friends Gene and Bernice came up and worked for several days helping to locate and bring in the wandering critters. Then Julie showed up to help. […]