Double Circle Ranch from the Air

Aerial View of Eagle Creek on the Double Circle Ranch

Doug and Tommy took a flight over part of the Double Circle Ranch. Doug got some interesting photographs. One of the NO Bar house, barns, dining pavilion, and tents caught my eye. But what I noticed most is how easy the country looks from […]

Can You Identify This Monster Bug?

Mystery Bug

Hey bug scholars – What the heck is this critter? I think it may be a tailless vinagaroon. It is about 2-3″ long and pretty intimidating – but not aggressive. But I wouldn’t want it crawling on me.

I tell you Eagle Creek AZ is home to lots of odd critters. […]

Rounding Up Longhorns from an Airplane

I have most of the longhorn steers gathered and together – all but 3 are accounted for. Tommy offered to give Doug a flight and hunt for the steers from the plane. […]

Summer Monsoon Brings Water and a Rainbow of Color

Monsoon Rainstorm on the Ranch

It is August and monsoon started right on schedule – July 4th. For a few weeks, the dry Arizona rangeland becomes Kelly green with blankets of flowers in hues of yellow, red, white, pink, blue, and gold. It is breathtaking.

Most of the annual rainfall at the Double Circle […]

Ranch Guest Jan Weigel from Switzerland

Jan and Brumby Lookin for Stray Cattle

Well, I am striking out on my blog work. Twice I have written blogs about one of our favorite guests at the Double Circle and twice I have managed to lose the blog before it gets put on the website. Jan Weigel comes here from Switzerland to […]