Fall 2012 Erosion Control Workshop

Spreading the Flow with a Media Luna

We had another great erosion control workshop last weekend, instructor Craig Sponholtz of Dryland Solutions, Inc. came down from Santa Fe and volunteers came from several places. Many volunteers were repeat guests from the Tucson area. One guest was all the way from St. Louis and was […]

Fly-In at the Double Circle Airstrip

The airstrip at the old Double Circle Headquarters had planes landing for the first time in years. 27 airplanes from at least 3 states came for the fly in. […]

Cowboy Lee from Chicago

Cowboy Lee Herding the Steers

We had another interesting guest last month – this one all the way from Chicago. Lee drove here for a five-day ranch mini-vacation. He wanted a real-life ranch experience, not a typical dude ranch vacation. So we took him at his word and put him right to work gathering, […]