Help From Our Apache Neighbors

Apache Indian Cowboys Chasing Down the Last of Our Longhorn Steers

Our Apache neighbors were on the Creek gathering their Hereford cattle last week. So I figured we would take advantage of having lots of good, Indian cowboys available to catch our last four steers. If anyone can rope wild cattle and drag them […]

The Last of the Texas Longhorns

Last of the Double Circle Longhorn Herd

The Double Circle Ranch has turned another page in its colorful history. The herd of beautiful Texas Longhorn cattle has been sold to make way for the new ranch owners’ Brangus cattle. I have nothing against Brangus, and the Bryce family has a reputation for raising the […]

Rounding Up Longhorns from an Airplane

I have most of the longhorn steers gathered and together – all but 3 are accounted for. Tommy offered to give Doug a flight and hunt for the steers from the plane. […]

Thank Goodness for Friends!

Our friends Gene and Bernice came up and worked for several days helping to locate and bring in the wandering critters. Then Julie showed up to help. […]

5-Day Cattle Drive Dates Set for 2012

Throwin a Cattle Drive Together

If you ever wanted to drive Texas Longhorns across open country, listen up. We have set our 2012 cattle drive dates. Our Spring cattle drive will be April 30th to May 5th. The cattle will be moved to a pasture with good spring annuals that need to be utilized […]

Cowgirl Stacey from St. Louis

Cowgirl Stacey Herding Longhorns Under Monsoon Clouds

Stacey was here visiting – all the way from St. Louis. She had never been on a ranch – I think she had a little culture shock. Fortunately, Stacey is a good rider and she wanted to ride a lot and herd cattle. Since I was in […]

Cowgirl Julie From Tucson

Julie from Tucson came to the Double Circle. I put her right to work herding cattle. […]

Gray’s Peak Pasture

Gray’s Peak Pasture

We have the Texas Longhorns in Gray’s Peak Pasture – and it is a bear. I guess it is the second roughest pasture we have. It is about 5000 acres of steep canyons, brush, and wooded ridges – with plenty of rock ledges thrown in for a challenge. It would probably […]

Cattle in the High Country

It is January and my cattle are in the high country. The browse in the high country is very high in protein and other nutrients. […]

Herding Cattle in the Snow

I have been moving the longhorns to a different pasture the past few days. The snow makes it really difficult. […]