Mexican Gray Wolf and the Wallow Fire

The Wallow fire has burned through at least 3 denning areas of the Mexican Grey Wolf. Each had pups. No one knows if they – or the adults – survived yet. […]

Mule Deer on the Ranch

Unit 27 – where we are – had 312 mule deer harvested last year according to Arizona Game and Fish. This year there was something like 900 mule deer tags for Unit 27 —- that’s a lot of bucks! […]

Cleaning Up after Hunting Season

I hate to have to say that I spend a lot of time cleaning up after hunting season – but I do. Every road is peppered with cans, paper, plastic water bottles, beer bottles and plastic bags. […]

Hunting Mule Deer

I guess AZ Game and Fish must believe we do a great job of creating and maintaining habitat for wildlife as part of our conservation practices – 900 tags! […]