Fall 2012 Erosion Control Workshop

Spreading the Flow with a Media Luna

We had another great erosion control workshop last weekend, instructor Craig Sponholtz of Dryland Solutions, Inc. came down from Santa Fe and volunteers came from several places. Many volunteers were repeat guests from the Tucson area. One guest was all the way from St. Louis and was […]

Double Circle Ranch from the Air

Aerial View of Eagle Creek on the Double Circle Ranch

Doug and Tommy took a flight over part of the Double Circle Ranch. Doug got some interesting photographs. One of the NO Bar house, barns, dining pavilion, and tents caught my eye. But what I noticed most is how easy the country looks from […]

Summer Monsoon Brings Water and a Rainbow of Color

Monsoon Rainstorm on the Ranch

It is August and monsoon started right on schedule – July 4th. For a few weeks, the dry Arizona rangeland becomes Kelly green with blankets of flowers in hues of yellow, red, white, pink, blue, and gold. It is breathtaking.

Most of the annual rainfall at the Double Circle […]

Spring Snow Showers

Hummingbirds Feast at Feeder in Snowstorm

It is April 14th – Spring by the calendar. But these hummingbirds at the cabin must be wondering whether winter returned. We woke up to snow showers and it has been snowing all day. The ground is still warm enough to melt the snow – but it sure […]

The Bat Ranch

Resident Bat on Ceiling

We had another visit with Dan Taylor from Bat Conservation International. Hopefully the Double Circle Ranch will be doing a “Water for Wildlife” (including bats) project. Basically, we would be cleaning out and fencing a dirt tank. The fence keeps livestock out of the water so it stays clean for […]

Wallow Fire Silt in Eagle Creek

Brown Water in Eagle Creek

Well, we were worried that Eagle Creek would get filled with silt after the big Wallow fire – and unfortunately we were right. The creek, usually clear as glass, has run the color of a 10oz cup of coffee with a tablespoon of milk – not quite black, but […]

Volunteers Make Antelope Habitat Improvement Possible

Antelope Habitat Improvement Fence Workshop

We just got the figures from the Arizona Antelope Foundation habitat improvement project held here at the Double Circle Ranch. There were 30 people here from as far away as Albuquerque and Prescott, and as close as Clifton. The volunteers drove about 10,896 miles at their own expense […]

Waiting for the Monsoon

Summer Monsoons Will Bring Needed Rain to the Ranch

July 25.

We are still awful dry here at Double Circle Ranch. We have had a total of about ¾” of rain all monsoon so far. But it is supposed to rain today and tomorrow. We have our fingers crossed. Actually the eastern part of […]

Working Together to Fight the Wallow Fire

Wallow Fire Fighting Helicopter and Well Operators

July 2.

One part of the Wallow fire that gets overlooked in all the disaster is the great work and cooperation between the folks fighting the fire and/or dealing with fire-related issues. Think about it – whole towns could have been wiped out – Eager, Springerville, […]

Erosion Control After the Wallow Fire

We have put in over 120 one rock and other small rock structures designed to slow water so it can infiltrate the soil. […]