Cowgirl Stacey from St. Louis

Cowgirl Stacey Herding Longhorns

Cowgirl Stacey Herding Longhorns Under Monsoon Clouds

Stacey was here visiting – all the way from St. Louis. She had never been on a ranch – I think she had a little culture shock. Fortunately, Stacey is a good rider and she wanted to ride a lot and herd cattle. Since I was in the middle of moving cattle to a new pasture, she sure did get her wish. Apparently it is much different riding for 30 minutes in an arena, and riding all day in mountains and canyons gathering longhorn cattle. Nothing around Double Circle Ranch gets ridden for only 30 minutes except maybe a greenbroke colt. Unless your horse gets hurt or throws a shoe, it is ride ’til the job is done. Actually, last week we had to quit early everyday because of the heat. Cattle shade up and won’t move when it is sunny and hot as Hades. But since we fed at 4:00 am and were riding at 5:00 am or so, quitting at 2:00 or 3:00 pm is still a day of riding. Stacey did make some comments about understanding why cowboys got bowlegged.

Cowgirl Stacey Canters Brumby

Cowgirl Stacey Canters Brumby

But I have to give Stacey credit. She did a pretty darn good job. And she never complained about 4:00 am alarm clocks, 100+ temps, lots of sweaty horses, quite a few hard-to-find steers, or low branches and thorns. She is a trooper. Not having a ladies room was an issue for a day or two before Stacey figured out that trees make good hiding places especially when the cabin is 10 miles away. City folk have to do a little adjusting out here in the wild country. But Stacey adapted well and we enjoyed her company.

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