Are We a Dude Ranch?

Dude Ranch Texas Longhorn

Dude Ranch Texas Longhorn

There has been some discussion – translates family feud – about what exactly we are here at Double Circle Longhorn, LLC. Are we a dude ranch? Well, yes and no. We do have a few guests at a time for custom ranch vacations. They ride horses, swim in the creek, go on wildlife tours, eat in the dining hall and sleep in our walltents. So yes- we are a dude ranch.

But no –we aren’t a dude ranch. We don’t have large groups. We only have 8 people at a time unless it is a team building week or family reunion. And then we only have the one party of up to 16.

We don’t have ironclad times and plans. It isn’t ride 8:00-9:00, eat at noon, evening ride 4:00-5:00. We plan your vacation depending on what you want to do. You have your own horse for the entire stay. If you want to ride all day, we’ll take you all day. If you want to sightsee and look for elk, deer, birds, etc, we can take you. And we are a working cattle ranch with Texas Longhorn steers. If you want to work/herd cattle, we will teach you how and take you on herding duty. If you want to do ranch chores, we always have a bunch – from riding fence, to packing salt, to checking waters and more. On 37,000 acres there are always chores! So we aren’t a dude ranch in the traditional sense.

Plus we have educational programs on a regular basis—programs on conservation, birding, geology, alternative energy, cattle drives, history, photography, painting, wilderness survival, astronomy. There is pretty much something for every interest here at the ranch.

SO – we are a non-dude ranch, environmental, educational, working cattle, custom ranch vacation dude ranch. That should settle the discussion!


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