Belle Starr the Cattle-Herding Cowdog

Cowdog Pup Herding Longhorns

Cowdog Pup Herding Longhorns

Our cowdog pup, Belle Starr, has joined the ranch cow dog work crew here at the Double Circle Ranch. She’s still a pup and tends to overreact sometimes, but she has good instincts and loves to work cattle. Here she is herding longhorn steers off a hillside for me. I can’t get out of the cabin without her trailing behind me. She sure doesn’t want to be left behind. Thank goodness for cow dogs in this big country!

Belle the Cowpup at Work

Belle the Cowpup at Work

3 comments to Belle Starr the Cattle-Herding Cowdog

  • This is great post. I really enjoy the the pictures of your cattle dog. This is a great dog and friend to have along with you on the range.

  • Thank you, Art. I think she will be a great dog. She has great instinct and lives to work cattle- and be petted. She may be a little spoiled. We have no regular electric or tv, but we get a movie or two a week to watch. She always jumps in my lap for the show. She really picks up when a western is on with cattle drive scenes.It is pretty funny to watch Belle.


  • is there any chance that any of those cattles will attack the dog? the little guy looks really helpless once the cattle run towards him…

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