Cow Dogs

Cow Dogs Herding Cattle

Cow Dogs Herding Cattle

On a ranch as big as the Double Circle, a pair of cattle dogs is well worth their keep. I have heard it said by ranchers that a good dog is worth four cowboys. That may be a slight stretch – or not – if it is a REALLY good dog. We have 2 grown dogs – plus Belle Starr the pup. Katie is a black and white Border Collie-Mcnabb cross. Our partners, the Holders, bred their female to a neighbors’ cowdog and generously gave us a pup. Copper is a red border collie. She was actually on death row at the local dog pound. I never stop at the pound – but I felt like I needed to stop there last year when I did the town run. There she was – hunkered in a corner of her cage looking terrified. I couldn’t leave her. Fortunately Doug wasn’t mad – he loves her too. She had eight puppies and they had all been put down already. Someone had kept Copper and her pups in a cage for a year and a half. The pups hadn’t been touched – ever. They were killed as unadoptable. Copper is great. She is getting older and has arthritis. I only take her out part of the time, but it really hurts her feelings to be left home. She lives to work and to please. Copper has a heart of gold, not copper. A gem.

Here are a couple of photos of the dogs going back after a young steer who didn’t want to keep up. They pass him, turn behind him, and drive him to the herd. Saves me going back for him. Steers need to know that they are expected to join the cattle drive. They get herd broke with time. But stragglers and hiders need to be made to join up and not let get away with escaping. Dogs sure are handy to teach them!

CowDogs Herding Texas Longhorns

CowDogs Herding Texas Longhorns

5 comments to Cow Dogs

  • The sheep dogs that we see in the UK do a great job. These guys must be both skilled and very brave dogs. Great pictures.

  • My dogs aren’t as highly trained as the good ones in the UK– but they sure do help. They are pretty fearless for sure. Mainly they work off instinct insread of training. I hope to train my young dog more–she is the smartest dog I have ever seen. But she is also hard headed. Time will tell if I teach her or she teaches me. Right now is a toss up.


  • Nice pictures, I’ve always admired the intelligence of cow dogs.

  • Geneva Bray

    I rescued a border collie out of mexico. Her name is LUCKY. She is 13 months and spay. It is clear she is not cut out for a small home and is a working dog with sharp herding instincts. she is too smart to be a house dog, it frustrates her and brings out aggression. All she wants to do is work. I need help in giving her a good home.

  • Geneva,

    Send a picture of Lucky and your location. We can post it and maybe find her a good home- maybe even here. Border collies are great dogs- but they need lots to do and plenty of space.They will seldom make good apartment or town dogs- too much energy. There is a website for border collies who are like Lucky- good dogs needing to be out doing work instead of inside. I don’t know the name- but you could google it and get details.

    Good luck,

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