Henry “Bull” Moore

Visiting Bull Moore's Gravesite on the Double Circle

Visiting Bull Moore's Gravesite on the Double Circle

We had an unexpected visit. The daughter-in-law and two granddaughters of Henry Moore, aka “Bull” Moore, stopped in. As children they spent a lot of time with their grandfather on Eagle Creek. Doug and I live in the old Moore cabin, and it really hasn’t changed much in 50 years. We do have running water pumped by a windmill and indoor plumbing. The ladies visiting remember carrying 5 gallon buckets of water from Eagle Creek and making trips down a trail to the outhouse. Plus we have solar lights instead of the kerosene lamps they used here.

Not all the changes are for the better. According to the Moore family, there used to be a big barn and corrals near the house. All that is left of it is some rotten wood piled up. There was a chicken coop, also gone now, and lots of peacocks. Henry claimed the peacocks kept the scorpions and rattlesnakes away. Maybe we should get peacocks – we had to kill another rattler this week. We don’t bother them if they are out on the range. But when they are crawling under the cabin and sleeping on the porch, they have to go.

Henry “Bull” Moore is buried just west of the cabin. The family went down to visit the grave, which is covered with a concrete slab. It is always good to learn more of the ranch history. Hopefully the ladies will be back for another visit.

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