Herding Dust Devils

Belle the Cowdog Worried

Belle the Cowdog Worried

Belle Starr the cowdog met her match the other day before the last snow. It had gotten dusty again and the Arizona wind was really whipping up. A big dust devil started by the porch and up our driveway. Belle apparently thinks her job description includes running intruders away. She gave chase – just raising a ruckus. Every hair on that pup was standing straight up. She must have been real pleased at how that monster was running from her, the fierce protector of her small universe. But she got in the dust storm. It must have stung her up a bunch. She came back down the driveway like the devil himself was trying to catch her. I didn’t know she could move that fast. Her ears were flat on her head and her tail between her legs and she was MOVING. She didn’t stop ’til she was safe on the porch. Then she peeped around the side and let out one very quiet bark just to show me she wasn’t afraid. She sure didn’t want the dust devil to hear her and go for round two!

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