Double Circle Ranch Cowboys

Photo by Catherine McKinney, whose family owned the Double Circle Ranch at one time. The history of Double Circle Ranch is full of characters and famous people. Geronimo was born on Eagle Creek. In his last years in a Florida prison, he asked to be allowed to return to Eagle Creek to die. The request was denied and he died in Florida. The Apache Kid roamed and plundered this area. Jeff Milton, an Arizona Ranger, tracked bank and train robbers to the Double Circle Ranch. Some are buried in the ranch cemetery.

2 comments to Double Circle Ranch Cowboys

  • delmar boni

    my grandfather was the stockman at eagle creek on the san carlos side, he was good friends henry moore-honeymoon az.they always had stories about the area cattle,dutch oven cooking,horses,and the back country. when i go there i feel that spirit there!

  • Wilma


    My husband and I live in the old Henry Moore cabin- small world,huh?

    Dale Pike is the stockman for the reservation now. He is a friend of ours. Stop in and visit when you are on Eagle Creek. It really hasn’t changed much here in years.

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