Repairing the Cabin Roof

Bernice and Gene Working on the Roof at Sunup

Bernice and Gene Working on the Roof at Sunup

Gene and Bernice bailed us out again. They drove all the way from Tucson and helped repair the main portion of the cabin roof that the wind storm blew off. We would have to start about 5:00 am and quit early afternoon because of the heat. Then we could work a little more in the evening. They made a good start on the one side of the roof – tore off what the wind didn’t, replaced bad slats and stringers, and had everything ready for plywood. We ended up putting plastic on the roof to be safe – looked like rain any second. But, as usual, we got no rain – at least not on this part of the ranch.

When I say “we” worked, it was mainly Doug and Bernice and Gene. I got ‘pick up all the nails’ duty. We don’t want to be fixing flats for weeks. The other three did most of the work. Thank goodness for good friends! Not too many folks will drive 10 hours to work in summer heat on a roof repair job.

Repairing the Cabin Roof

Repairing the Cabin Roof

2 comments to Repairing the Cabin Roof

  • Judy Pence

    John is not happy with me that I did not tell him when this happened…we would have come and helped too!

  • We will get it fixed eventually. We got the back side, which had the most damage, done except fascia and vents. The front side has one porch roof under plywood and tarpaper and that is all done there. Everyday by noon it turns black and the thunder and lightning roll in. You would surely expect a deluge- but it stops with sight of the cabin. It is discouraging to see rainfall and smell rainfall- but not get the rain quite to the ranch. But we hate to pull off big roof sections when the rain is right on us- almost. We had 2 evenings of 85% rain chance and 1 of 100% rain- and didn’t get a drop. Go figure

    Thanks for the offer! But I guess we will live with tarpaper and plastic till the monsoons are over.


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