SHSWBC Wanted – Short-Haired, Stock-Working Border Collie

Belle Starr - Is It Time to go to Work Yet?

Cowdog Resting - Is It Time to go to Work Yet?

Wanted, an SHSWBC – a short-haired, stock-working border collie. We want to breed Belle Starr. Belle is the smartest cowdog I have ever had. Too bad I am not a really good trainer. Belle should have had professional training. Even with limited training, Belle is essential to working the cattle out here. I want to get some of her pups so I don’t run out of working dogs.

We have an older long-haired border collie and she is not well suited for this country. The heat in the summer really affects her – plus she always is tangled in cockleburs and stickers. Even her feet grab thorns in the long hair between pads. So, a short hair is important to us.

Also, stock working is essential. Most border collies seem to naturally have good stock instincts, but we want a male dog that actually works cattle – and has a bloodline full of working dogs. Show dogs are not what the Double Circle needs. We need a dog like Belle – tireless, tough, and smart, with lots of try and a can-do attitude, along with a love of working stock.

So – we want to breed Belle and keep some pups. I love Belle’s tricolor. I like the red border collies too. But color is not as important as working. Neither is size. Belle is very small – but she thinks she is as big as an elephant – and the cattle think it too. So small is fine.

Anyone out there have a good working male who would like pick of the litter?

Ranch Dog Drinking From a Puddle

Belle Starr the Cowdog Drinking From a Puddle

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