
Thanksgiving on the Ranch

Thanksgiving on the Ranch

It’s Thanksgiving! And a beautiful day to boot. I have so much to be thankful for. Friends and family – most I don’t see very often – but they are always with me. Good neighbors – and a few miles between us. A good cowpony and the strength to still saddle up and ride all day. Texas longhorns in every bovine color imaginable. Enough range that, if I wanted to ride the boundary, I would need a pack horse and a 10-day supply of grub. Wide open space with miles of mesa, mountain and canyon in every direction. Clear skies with thousands of stars that city folk have never seen. Sun, wind, and wild critters – just about everything a person could ask for. And number 1 – a good husband who can always be counted on and who doesn’t complain that we had leftover chili and day-old cornbread instead of turkey and trimmings for Thanksgiving dinner. After all, I had cattle to herd and didn’t finish ’til dark.

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