Training Belle Star the Cowdog

Belle Star Cowdog in Training

Belle Star Cowdog in Training

Well, Belle our cowdog has to grow up a little. We took her to Casa Grande this week and spent two days with her breeders. I picked up a lot of pointers- mainly to be firmer and MAKE her mind. She is still just a big, bouncy pup but it is time to really work on voice commands. I can’t turn her loose on cattle because she won’t stop and go down. She just moves the cattle at her discretion – which can be just the opposite of where I want to go. Next pup I get will be 8 weeks old instead of 4 months old. From day one it will be taught to obey basic voice commands. Belle is pretty set in her ways, so teaching her will be a little harder. But she is the smartest dog I have ever owned and has great instincts. She will be worth the extra trouble. These 1200 lb. Texas Longhorns sure do pay attention to a 25 lb. dog! Now my cowdog just needs to pay attention to me!

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