Wilson Family and the Ranch’s History

Former Owner's Family Visit and Share Ranch History

Former Owner's Family Visit and Share Ranch History

We had the most wonderful visit 2 weeks ago with members of the Wilson family. Their relatives were members of the Double Circle Cattle Company which purchased this cattle ranch in the late 1920’s. They thought they purchased 20,000 head of cattle with the deal – but gathered 26,000. With a million acres of basically wilderness, they surely missed a bunch – probably at least 8000. Heck even today there are wild cattle here. These cattle have never been caught or branded. They are wild as deer and much more dangerous.

The family had lots of stories and old photographs from the late 1920’s and early 1930’s. We had a good time walking around the old headquarter site. We had a picnic lunch under the huge old cottonwoods where countless cowboys and their families probably rested in the shade. In the 1930’s there were a lot more people here at the Double Circle Ranch then there are today. Folks here were tough stock too – had to be to make it here. The Wilson descendants are no exception. Great people. I hope they come back soon.

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