Arizona Looking Like Ireland!

Cattle Range Greenin Up

Cattle Range Greenin' Up

Finally the rain is falling on the Double Circle Ranch. It is beginning to look like Ireland instead of Arizona – lots of shades of green. It always strikes me as a miracle that this country goes from brown to green so quickly and completely with a little help from the monsoon rains.

Now will be a good time to see how well our erosion control structures are working. We have rain water – and we are slowing it down so the water can filter into the ground. I am very thankful to our volunteers, Dryland Solutions, Inc., and the grant fund people at Arizona Water Protection Fund Commission who have helped us construct over 80 erosion structures. Double Circle Ranch just keeps getting better.

If you’re interested in learning more about erosion control, join us at one of our free Erosion Control Workshops. Another one is coming up this October.

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