Double Circle Ranch from the Air

Aerial View of Eagle Creek on the Double Circle Ranch

Aerial View of Eagle Creek on the Double Circle Ranch

Doug and Tommy took a flight over part of the Double Circle Ranch. Doug got some interesting photographs. One of the NO Bar house, barns, dining pavilion, and tents caught my eye. But what I noticed most is how easy the country looks from the air. Those little hills and shallow ravines sure don’t look like the mountains and canyons I ride every day. Where I ride you have to let your horse blow several times going up those slopes. Some of the canyons, you kick your feet out of the stirrups in case you have to leave your horse’s back in a hurry as you slide and scramble through the rocks.

Now our rolling and level grasslands look pretty much like the airplane photos – but the rough country? It might be the same range – but my horse and I aren’t too sure about that.

Aerial View of the NO Bar House and Wall Tents

Aerial View of the NO Bar House and Wall Tents

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