Lush Spring Coming!

Texas Longhorn Cattle in Snow

Texas Longhorn Cattle in Snow

We are going to have a wonderful spring – because we are sure getting the winter moisture this year! We had another 12 inches of snow or so in our higher country and almost 2 inches of rain in the lower ground. Grass is going to explode here in another month. There should be fat stock and healthy wildlife this year. Plus these wet snows sure are pretty. It isn’t what most people think that southern Arizona looks like, that’s for sure. Of course, guests to the Double Circle Ranch get a lot of surprises when they come here, like rolling grassland as far as the eye can see, tall pines, clear mountain creeks, and mountain ranges stretching for what seems like forever. And yes, we do have cactus!

3 comments to Lush Spring Coming!

  • projector screen prices

    Spring is the best season according to me because in winter season we can not roam due to cold and snowy atmosphere and spring is the season of new start, the weather is so calm and sweet.

  • I love the spring too. Lots of fresh green and warmer temperatures. I like the fall here too. Fall color and crisp,not cold, days. Every season at the Double Circle Ranch has its own type of beauty- but spring after a cold winter is mighty hard to beat.

  • Spring is wonderful. Where I live (South of England) the spring cannot be felt so distinctively. It’s just constantly mild and more or less green. I actually miss that cool aroma of melting snow and new life appearing.

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