Wallow Fire Back Burns – June 13, 2011

Wallow Fire South Perimeter Containment

Wallow Fire South Perimeter Containment

The Wallow fire crews believe they have Eagle Creek protected. The back burns they set are huge. I don’t know how they keep them under control. Also, what in the world do they use to cause such a huge blaze instantly (seems instantly at least from here)? The first flare up I saw I thought the wildfire had gotten closer and caught a bunch of dead pine or something on fire. Honestly, the back burns look as big as the Wallow fire.

I am sure the crews – over 4000 people now – know what they are doing. I would never have the nerve to set fires like these back fires in this dry country with gusty winds. The Wallow fire is 450,000+ acres and 10% contained. When you see on maps of the Wallow fire just how many square miles are involved, it really drives home how large Double Circle Ranch was in its glory days. It was a million acres – over twice Wallow burn. With 30,000+ cows Double Circle Ranch must have had one heck of a cattle gather!

Meantime I am grateful for 10% containment on Wallow and hope to see the percentage increase every day. Thanks to all the crews who risk their lives fighting these huge wildfires!

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