Wallow Fire – Homes Lost

Wallow Fire Back Burn Along 191 with ADOT in Foreground

Wallow Fire Back Burn Along 191 with ADOT in Foreground

June 22

Wallow fire is over 529,000 acres and still burning- 61% contained. Here on Eagle Creek we can see smoke and fire plumes, but nothing on the creek itself. We did get an email from some friends on the Blue. People in houses closest to the fire evacuated to other Blue houses farther from the fire. Now that is a good example of neighbors helping each other. Thank goodness for rural America. The fire crews – bless em – saved every house on the Blue – so far. I guess all the danger isn’t over there yet.

There have been 32 homes lost in Wallow fire. It doesn’t help the unfortunate souls who lost their homes, but really that is a VERY small number given the size of the fire. There have been several towns- Alpine, Luna, Eager, Springerville, Blue – plus lots of ranch homes and some subdivisions directly in the path of the fire. Fire crews saved all but 32 homes. I think that is amazing. Let’s hope there are no more homes lost – and NO more injuries. I think the report we get every day from the Clifton Ranger District of the Forest Service said there were 12 injuries. 12 out of 4600 + people in such a dangerous situation with the dry conditions, remote locations with limited access, and 60mph wind gusts seems like a miracle to me. Good work fire crews!

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