Wallow Fire – Missing Livestock

Missing Texas Longhorn Steer

Missing Texas Longhorn Steer

June 21

I hope I didn’t jinx us on Wallow fire. We went from no smoke to lots of smoke and a big smoke plume not far from the NE part of the Double Circle. The fire reports say crews are trying to keep the flames east of 191. The fire breached the fire breaks and crossed 191 north of us. I think the Blue is all evacuated. The WIND is a big part of the firefighters’ problem. Today the wind is much calmer and hopefully will stay calm.

About a third of the Double Circle is east of 191. The buildings and water systems are all west of the highway, but I may have cattle still east of 191. When we got the no riding order I still had 10+ head missing in our NE pasture – closest to the fire. I just opened gates so they could drift following the smell of the gathered cattle. But without riding – and riding many long days – I don’t know if I am still missing steers or not. One good thing is that we have the only Texas longhorn cattle up here. So if a neighbor sees big horned cattle, they know they belong here and will let me know. You don’t have to be close enough to read a brand to identify Double Circle cattle.

I do worry about the steers that may be in the path of the fire. I am not the only rancher worried about his livestock. But it is out of our hands. We can only wait and see.

1 comment to Wallow Fire – Missing Livestock

  • Rhonda Lanier

    I am saying a prayer each day for all the livestock and wildlife as well as people and their property. All wildfires seem to take on a life of their own, and the Wallow fire certainly has done that. And a special prayer for all the firefighters, they are really and truly heroes.

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