Wallow Fire Report – June 7

Wallow Fire Burning 6-7-2011

Wallow Fire Getting Closer

Another day and the Wallow fire is still closer. 4 Drag ranch has lost fences – brand new, finished-this-week fences. That is a ranch disaster. 4 Drag is only 2 ranches north of us. There are many runs down the rim toward Eagle Creek instead of the initial two smoke trails. Our neighbors Ed and Edie Fitch live several miles north of us. The fire is moving straight at them. We do have several hotshot trucks setting back fires to keep the fire out of Eagle Creek. The trucks say “San Bernardino hot shot team.” I wish them lots of luck. There are at least 10 structures lost to flames so far – I think in Alpine. I sure would hate to lose our homes, barns, water systems etc. We could never replace them.

Wallow Fire to the North Billowing Smoke June 7

A Lot of Fuel Between Here and the Wallow Fire

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