Wallow Wildfire

Wallow Fire Smoke Cloud at Sunset 6-1-2011

Sunset Lights Up the Clouds and Smoke of the Wallow Fire

Well, the big news here is not good news. The ranch is completely socked in with smoke from the Wallow wildfire just north of us. What was started, apparently by a person, has spread from a spark to 180,000+ acres of uncontained fire with trees torching 100-150 feet and flames moving miles every day. Several areas have been evacuated already and more are on standby. The extremely dry conditions coupled with high winds have made controlling this fire a real challenge. Not that the Forest Service and other fire fighting agencies are not trying. There are over 1,300 people plus helicopters, tanker planes, and heavy equipment working as a coordinated team to control this blaze – at a cost of millions and growing.

We are south of the fire. But we got an email from the Forest Service saying that the winds may change to South instead of the North blowing winds we have had since the fire started May 29. So – we may end up evacuating also. The problem is protecting not only our houses, barns, and equipment but also our livestock. Dogs and horses could be moved – given enough time and having a place to put the horses. But the cattle??? It is a real concern and a downright scary situation.

Let’s all hope and pray for a good frog strangling rain – heck we would settle for a good hard shower. So it is wait, watch, and see here at Double Circle Ranch. Not that you can see over 100 feet in any direction today.

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