Wallow Wildfire 2nd Report

Wallow Fire Burning in Mountains 6-5-2011

Wallow Fire Burning in Mountains Just North of the Ranch

It is June 6 and the Wallow fire just keeps growing. We went up the driveway to watch the flames run down the Mogollon Rim toward Eagle Creek. So far the wind is blowing from the West or South which means away from the Double Circle. If the winds change, we could be in the next round of evacuations. I worry about how the cattle would survive, but we would be lucky to haul horses and dogs – and ourselves out of here. The cattle would be on their own. Hopefully, we will never learn if they could survive or not.

The smoke is terrible in the morning but clears out when the wind starts. Of course these 25-40 mph winds sure don’t help the fire fighters. Speaking of fire fighters – there are 2300 of them now and the fire is 233,500+ acres with still zero containment. Goodness knows what the land will be like when the fires are gone.

3 comments to Wallow Wildfire 2nd Report

  • kyle

    I am so sorry to hear that a fire could be headed your way. hopefully the winds will keep it away or rain will come Wilma. I hope you and Doug and everyone on the ranch makes it out alright if you have to leave and hopefully the longhorns can escape the fire if they have to

  • Kyle,

    So far we are safe here. Our neighbors 2 ranches north of us on Eagle Creek had to move horses and dogs- and themselves- off their ranch today. The problem was smoke,not fire. They could hardly breathe at their place.
    There is only one way in amd out of Eagle Creek- and fortunately the fire doesn’t have the road blocked.So we can load everything possible and leave if neccessary– but we will hang in as long as possible.
    Thanks for checking on us!

  • Kyle,

    We have not had to evacuate so far. If we do, the one road in and out of Eagle Creek is away from the fire. We could drive out safely. I hope it doesn’t come to that!

    Hope to see you here someday


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