Water on the Ranch in Winter

Steel Rim Water Storage Tank

Steel Rim Water Storage Tank

Well, it is getting cold already. Wednesday Doug will have to drain our steel pipeline to the 50,000 gallon steel tank in Big Dry East pasture. When the water is used up, the steers need to be moved lower to a different water system. This line is the only one we have that uses steel – everything else is black HDPE (high density polyethylene) pipe. The black pipe is great. It doesn’t have to be buried and freezes and thaws without breaking. When you consider that we have over 20 miles of pipelines, the less labor intensive the better. Other than the steel line drinkers, we leave our water troughs full year round – whether cattle are in the pasture or not. This provides water for wildlife in keeping with our environmental goals. We are busy building escape ramps and putting them on every drinker so that critters don’t get trapped in troughs and drown. It sounds easy, but with so many troughs in such faraway places, it is very time consuming. Most of this ranch is not vehicle accessible.

Speaking of weather – when we first came here I asked a neighbor what to expect in the way of temperatures. We were going to be here getting set up for a few weeks and then go back East for business. I wanted to know what to pack. He informed me that it didn’t ever get real hot – not over 100 very often – and never real cold – not under 0 very often. He was right- didn’t help me pack though!

Steel Water Pipeline to Steel Rim Water Tank

Steel Water Pipeline to Steel Rim Water Tank

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