Will Monsoons Bring Relief, or Another Disaster?

Monsoon Rain Needed to Quench Wallow Fire

Monsoon Rain Needed to Quench Wallow Fire

The Wallow fire is partially under control and already the Forest Service and other agencies are preparing for the next disaster – massive floods. Everyone has been advised to buy flood insurance immediately. With all the vegetation burned away in such a huge area, there is nothing to slow down and absorb the monsoon rains. When the rains start, generally around the Fourth of July, the water will sluice off the mountains like a huge waterslide. Floods may do nearly as much damage as the fire. So we will get a double whammy.

I guess the monsoons will be a mixed blessing when they get here. They will put out Wallow fire – and the other fires burning now – and certainly grow grass for the wildlife. Plus the plants are stressed severely in this drought. Good rains would save many of them. We need the rain badly. But heavy rains with no vegetation, means mudslides, major erosion, pollution in our streams, possible – even probable – structural damage to roads, houses, bridges, and danger to all critters including people. Maybe we could get nice slow, gentle rains for three months – what are the odds of that?

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