Ma and Pa Kettle on the Ranch

Working Dude Ranch Cabin

Working Dude Ranch Cabin

Did you ever see Ma and Pa Kettle at the Farm? I can relate to their situation. I have been moving frying pans and buckets all over the cabin to catch the leaks. Our cabin started as a smokehouse – and hasn’t improved all that much. We do have running water and don’t have to carry it up from Eagle Creek. Now we even have solar – finally – with real lights and a refrigerator. Someone many years ago added another 2 tiny rooms and INDOOR plumbing. What a blessing. But the old roof leaks like a sieve. The porch leaks so badly that I have to keep sweeping water so it doesn’t run in the house. Furniture gets moved around and buckets and pans hold growing pools of rain. I feel like Pa Kettle. When it is raining, you can’t fix the roof. When it is sunny, you don’t need to fix the roof. We even have the new roof material. But putting it up seems to get put behind finishing a fence or hauling hay or moving cattle – you know – the everyday stuff on a ranch. But BEFORE next rain/snow – maybe we will fix the roof – this time.

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