Our New Butterfly Garden

Butterfly Garden Before

Butterfly Garden Before Work Began

Our community butterfly garden is done!!! Almost – we ran out of mulch. Thanks to Adriane Grimaldi’s garden design and planning, we planted 75+ butterfly nectar and host plants. The butterflies were checking out the garden while we were still planting. It is a thing of beauty, and it will only get better as plants grow and spread. Doug and Crystal put 2 benches in so people can sit and watch the butterflies. Our photography class participants will be able to get some great close-up photos – and our hikers and horseback riders can just relax and be surrounded by flowers and butterflies.

We had a lot of help and donations on this project. Boyce-Thompson Arboretum donated plants. Our local Home Depot discounted the benches and waterlines and donated plants. Central Arizona Butterfly Association provided info and sent Adriane and Marceline to help identify butterflies here on Eagle Creek and pick a good garden site. Plus our friends and neighbors donated more plants and helped put them in the ground. Adriane and Marceline saw 26 types of butterflies here in a weekend – so I expect to have a quite a butterfly show for guests and neighbors here at the Double Circle.

Thanks to everyone!!!

Butterfly Garden - Completed

Butterfly Garden - Completed

Butterfly Garden During Construction

Butterfly Garden During Construction

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