What is a Wall Tent?

Wall Tent at the Double Circle Ranch

Wall Tent at the Double Circle Ranch

Someone asked me about our four wall tents. They are large, canvas tents 14 by 16 feet. They are up on a raised deck that has a porch and private bath, hot and cold shower, and composting toilet. We put a canvas cover over the tents last month. It is about a foot above the tents and keeps the tent cooler in hot summer months.

Each tent has 4 oversized outfitter cots with mattress pads – very comfortable. There are 4 wooded rustic storage boxes and hanging racks for odds and ends. No electricity though. We are 30 miles from the closest electric pole. We use alternative energy – solar and wind for livestock water and in the two houses. Doug is looking at a small hydro power plant for our cabin. Technology for alternative energy and sustainable living just keeps improving. Don’t expect electric in the tents though. Having the natural darkness is part of the Double Circle experience. Besides, it is perfect for astronomy and star gazing – no light pollution!

Inside of a Wall Tent

Inside of a Wall Tent

Wall Tent Deck at the Double Circle Ranch

Wall Tent Deck at the Double Circle Ranch

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