April Erosion Control Workshop

Erosion Control Workshop Lunch Break

Erosion Control Workshop Lunch Break

We are filling up early – again – for the erosion control workshop in April. People are coming from the Los Angeles area, San Diego, New Mexico, Tucson, Phoenix and northern Arizona. I love to see new people here at the Double Circle and also to see old volunteers, who have become friends, show back up. Together we get a ton of work done and have a great time. I hope we can get funded for more of these Craig Sponholtz – Dryland Solutions workshops in the future. This is a small conservation project compared to some city and county projects, but the cumulative effects are very beneficial to the Eagle Creek watershed. Plus we are training people how to slow erosion, and they are using the training to help their watersheds in three different states. This is a great project and we are proud to host it!

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