Arizona Antelope Foundation Fence Modification Project

Antelope Crossing a Barbed Wire Fence

Antelope Crossing a Barbed Wire Fence

Double Circle Ranch is happy to have the Arizona Antelope Foundation (AAF) working on a habitat improvement project on the ranch this August. Volunteers will come here to Eagle Creek August 12th and leave Sunday the 14th. We have 4 miles of old fence with the bottom wire being barb wire right in the heart of antelope country. The low barb wire presents a hazard and obstacle for antelope since the antelope go under fences instead of jumping them like the deer do. AAF will be bringing a wire roller machine as will Arizona Game and Fish and possibly the Forest Service. What we need are volunteers to remove the old barb wire and replace it with antelope friendly smooth wire.

So – come on out and lend a hand. It is beautiful country, you get to meet and work with some great folks, and the Pronghorn Antelope are truly majestic critters. RSVP to Arizona Antelope Foundation at . Tools will be available – plus they serve a great free supper Saturday night. It is definitely a win-win deal. Hope to see you in August!

Download the AAF’s Fence Modification Project flyer.

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