Date Set for Bob Luce’s Intro to Birding Class

Gambel's Quail

Gambel's Quail

I am excited! We have picked the dates for Bob Luce’s birding class here on the ranch. It will be April 29 to May 3rd. I am switching from cowboy boots to hiking boots that weekend – I want to learn more about the birds here. I am by no means an accomplished birder – just a person who really enjoys hearing and seeing the birds and other critters. And that is just perfect for Bob’s class. This trip is geared to folks like me – people who want to learn what the birds are and their habits, calls, etc. It is “An Intro To Birding” – perfect for a family trip or a chance for nature lovers to enjoy the country here and learn as they go. It will be great fun. Bob will take us on 2 guided hikes a day to uplands, riparian corridors, bluffs, a variety of habitat each with its own bird species. Plus Bob is a wildlife biologist with years of experience with reptiles and mammals too. So we will have an eye out for deer, elk, lizards – everything that crawls, flies, climbs, or runs on the ranch. I can’t wait! Now I just have to convince Doug or Jim to ride herd that week. Clarice Holder and I want to be 2 of Bob’s students.

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