Erosion Control After the Wallow Fire

Stream Erosion Control Structure at Work

Stream Erosion Control Structure at Work

July 1.

It looks like Wallow fire is just about burned out – 95% contained after 538,049 acres have burned. It is a huge natural disaster and the problems are far from over. We have lost so much vegetation and the soil has gotten so hot and packed that floods – and big ones – are expected. There is nothing to slow and hold water – it will be like pouring water down a sink drain.

One of our ongoing projects here at Double Circle Ranch is to build erosion control dams. We have put in over 120 one rock and other small rock structures designed to slow water so it can infiltrate the soil. We manage our livestock with intensive grazing followed by long rests so we have abundant and healthy forage to trap sediment and slow water flows. We are fortunate that Wallow fire stayed north of us. One big, hot fire can undo years of work and take years, maybe decades, to heal.

There are a lot of experts working on ways to reduce further damage in the burned areas. They will do all they can – and they really do work hard. But nature is the ultimate healer – slow but consistent. People can help the process. But healing from the Wallow fire will be slow.

Speaking of helping- we have another Erosion Control Workshop at the Double Circle on October 14,15,16. Check out our programs page and sign up – training is free, meals and camping are free and the ranch is beautiful. With so much wildlife habitat burned in the area, it is more important than ever to keep our small piece of the landscape in good condition. Come join us.

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