Erosion Control Structure Workshop

AWPF Erosion Control Workshop

AWPF Erosion Control Workshop

Needed –strong backs and willing attitudes. Double Circle Ranch has been funded by Arizona Water Protection Fund Commissioners to host an erosion control structure workshop on November 13,14,15. We are limited to 20 volunteers – have 5 spaces left right now.

Craig Sponholtz of Dryland Solutions,Inc will be teaching the class. Volunteers will learn how to build small rock dams, splash pools, and other structures designed to slow water speed so sediment can deposit. This helps protect Eagle Creek water quality and also builds grassland habitat.

This will be our 3rd erosion workshop. The 1st was funded by ADEQ and the 2nd by AWPF. Price is right- free. Camping is free, food is free, training is free. We even provide the tools. You can’t beat this deal. We had a great time at the last 2 workshops- made lots of good friends. Plus we built over 50 erosion control structures! It would have taken Doug and I all year to do that many ( even if we had known the best techniques). Thanks to all who donated their time and sweat to making this happen. Thanks also to the Arizona agencies that provided funding for this important conservation work!

Sign up for the Erosion Control Workshop if you are interested – we will fill up early. Love to see you at the Double Circle.


P.S. We will have 1 more workshop on April 16,17,18, 2010 if those dates work better for you. We have already started booking it. I hope to get funding for more erosion workshops— but with the budget woes, who knows?

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