Erosion Control Workshop Update

Erosion Contol Workshop Outdoor Classroom

Erosion Contol Workshop Outdoor Classroom

Hey – we have a few openings still for the October 14, 15, 16 Erosion Control Workshop.

It is a great deal – free instruction by Craig Sponholtz of Dryland Solutions, Inc., free camping and free food. We have a good time and get a lot of useful work done on the Double Circle Ranch. So far we have built over 120 small erosion control structures. These structures slow water flow, increase water infiltration, promote forage growth, and reduce silt flowing into Eagle Creek. Everything benefits. Plus volunteers learn how to reduce erosion at their homes and properties. This workshop is funded by the Arizona Water Protection Fund Commission and is an important part of the ongoing conservation work we do daily at Double Circle Ranch. Come join us – you won’t be sorry. Please use our contact form to book a spot. We will be Dutch oven cooking good cowboy meals for you and need to know how many mouths to feed. All this fresh air and outdoor work builds some pretty hefty appetites.

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