Nate Taylor – Plein Aire Painter

Nate Taylor Plein Aire Painter

Nate Taylor Plein Aire Painter

We had Nate Taylor here at our cabin this week. Nate is a painter with training in Florence, Italy. He works in many media and does pleine aire painting. He wanted to come to the Double Circles to do some landscape painting, so we invited him to come while we were gone to Quivira Coalition convention. We figured he may as well feed the dogs, cats, and birds between paintings. No sense wasting potential free help on the ranch. It worked for all of us. Nate now has 3 beautiful landscapes in various stages of completion.

We hope to have Nate teach an art class here next season. He is very talented and a nice young man to boot – my dogs seem to have gained weight – they like him and all the extra grub too. You can see a gallery of Nate’s work on his website .

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