October, 2011 Erosion Control Workshop a Big Success!

Erosion Control Workshop Group Photo October 2011

Erosion Control Workshop Group Photo October 2011

October’s erosion control workshop was a big success – again. It is amazing how much 30 sets of hands can accomplish with a good instructor’s guidance. This time we repaired a breached dirt tank by constructing multiple Zuni bowls separated by rock laydowns. Plus we worked on the gullies formed by the breached tank and also on gullies in side drainages. Craig Sponholtz of Dryland Solutions, Inc. did a teaching tour of earlier erosion structures built on Double Circle Ranch and explained the hows and whys to new folks while the old hands were working on the new structures. Now we need the dirt tank to fill with rainwater so we can see how well everything works.

So – thanks to all our volunteers both old and new, good friends who worked so hard all weekend. A special thanks goes to our cowboy Bill Emrick for keeping the Dutch ovens going and everyone fed from the chuckwagon. And last but certainly not least THANKS to Arizona Water Protection Fund Commission for funding this project on Double Circle Ranch. The benefits to water quality will show here and everywhere else that our volunteers take their new erosion control skills.

By the way, contact us if you want to attend one of the free erosion control workshops. Next one is in April 2012. Maybe we will see you then!

Erosion Control Structure in the Making

Erosion Control Structure in the Making

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