Wilderness Survival Class set for May, 2011

Wilderness Survival Class

Wilderness Survival Class

We have the dates set for Vincent Pinto’s wilderness survival class here at the Double Circle Ranch. Mark them on your calendar – May 19-23, 2011.

This is training that anyone who spends time in the wilderness or wants to spend time in the wilderness should not miss. Skills learned include shelter making, fire starting, edible and medicinal plants, tracking, navigation by day or night – and more. While no wilderness experience is necessary, I would suggest that participants be in reasonably good heath and condition. This is a real backcountry experience. Vincent is a great teacher with a lifetime of survival skills training – don’t miss the chance to learn from one of the best backcountry professionals. Plus this workshop must be the bargain of the year – only $575.00 all inclusive. Better sign up early since class size will be limited to ensure a quality training.

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