Wilderness Survival Skills Class

We have a new Wilderness Survival Skills Class planned for next May – and it is a doozy! Vincent Pinto from Ravens Way nature school will be here teaching wilderness survival, edible and medicinal plants, navigating by stars, etc. He is the most fascinating person to walk with. Vincent points out animal tracks and tells you what that critter was doing, gathers plants for shelters and other uses, and locates sites for tool making and more. He is a walking wealth of info. This class is a camp-out in the backcountry, no frills deal. You would need to be in reasonably good shape and love the outdoors. I doubt that I will be able to tramp along – but I would love to – I know I could learn a lot – and have fun.

Register for the Wilderness Survival Skills Class before February 1, 2010 to get a $30 discount!


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